Actuators have play or looseness

The TetraSki actuators should rotate freely about their longitudinal axis, but should feel tight and secure to the frame of the ski when gently pulled up and down.

If improper play is detected, it’s important to first isolate the source before the problem can be fixed.

  • Typically, actuator play will come from loosening of the actuator connecting bolts. If one or more of the main connecting bolts is loose, see Actuator tightening repair instructions. This problem should be fixed before the next ski session and TetraSki use should be discontinued until it is fixed.

  • Sometimes the stop nut on the threaded shank of the inner ball joint can loosen, causing slight play to the inside connection of the actuator. This problem isn’t as critical as the primary connection bolts, but should be fixed as soon as possible. Use a 3/8-inch wrench to tighten this bolt against the actuator rod end.

  • If the looseness appears to come from the interface between the ball joint and step motor (see picture below), discontinue ski use and contact Tetradapt support for assistance.